Thursday, May 1, 2014

Good news on the economy, but statistics don’t tell the whole story

Tuesday’s first-quarter GDP figures, showing output growth of 0.8pc were a tad disappointing for the City, where something a bit higher had been anticipated.

All the same, it was more or less where the Bank of England’s February Inflation Report predicted it would be, so the figures have no implications for interest rates.

And Chancellor George Osborne could be forgiven for heralding the fifth consecutive quarter of growth — a sequence not seen since before the financial crisis — as confirmation that a self-sustaining recovery has established itself.

Nevertheless, output is still some 0.6pc below its pre-crisis peak and, worryingly, industrial production and construction remain 12pc below the 2008 peak.

Per capita output also remains firmly stuck well below pre-crisis levels, all of which tends to support remarks by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, in his most recent interview that there is still plenty of slack left in the UK economy to grow into before he needs to start thinking about raising interest rates.

For now, the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee does not see any need for more urgent action to address the growing risks of misallocation of capital and financial instability.

And it is true that we will have to await later revisions of the data to see what is happening to investment and exports.

These numbers give the greater clues as to whether the recovery is becoming more broadly based and balanced, as the Government hopes, or whether this is just a modern-day version of the “Barber boom”, a cynically engineered uptick in economic activity for electoral purposes.

For the moment, growth continues to look unduly dependent on increased housing market activity, but, to be fair, there are also encouraging signs of a pickup in business investment.

Certainly, business is more confident now than it has been in a long time, with the existential threat to the eurozone of a few years back no longer looming. But we should not forget that, even at the best of times, the GDP statistics are a pretty inexact measure of economic activity.

Take the latest figures from Spain, which unexpectedly showed a 0.4pc increase in output for the first quarter.

As it turned out, this rare piece of good news amid the economic devastation of southern Europe was almost entirely down to playing around with the so called GDP-deflator, which is the tool used to distinguish real from nominal GDP growth.

Spain has got price deflation, enabling the central bank to claim that the economy was growing in real terms even though it was still shrinking in nominal terms. Revisions to the international conventions by which GDP are calculated are, meanwhile, set to throw up some quite surprising results for the UK too.

According to initial calculations by the Office for National Statistics, it turns out that the UK economy is in fact 2.5 to 5pc larger than previously thought.

Not only that, but it appears we have also become a nation of savers; once you account properly for final salary pension promises it appears that our reputation for profligacy is a complete myth, and that our savings rate is in fact much closer to the European average.

It may well be that business investment is also being substantially under-measured. Believe it if you will.

Who would have thought there is an election looming?

Banking stress tests could worry anyone

Stress tests can be a valuable exercise. If you are building a bridge it is helpful to know what weight of traffic it might bear before allowing car, buses and lorries to drive over it.

Similarly, in banking it is a good idea that managers and regulators sit down at least once a year to go through in detail the risks a lender faces and to ensure that problems are dealt with long before they become existential issues.

Which brings us to Tuesday’s announcements from the Bank of England and the European Banking Authority of the methodology for the latest industry stress tests.

The EBA, with its European Union-wide remit, is charged with overseeing the most complex testing regime in the world. It must coordinate the testing of 124 banks in 28 countries, each operating different business models in very different economies.

Understandably, it wishes to create a common regime that means the numbers produced by one bank are comparable to another, the purpose being that if one lender reports a better capital ration to another it can be assumed the better performing institution will be more able to withstand the worst case scenario.

However, as with any test, the answers you receive depends on the questions you ask. Also, a test must be designed to ask the right questions. You would not question a dentist on their knowledge of longshore drift, but you would a coastal planner.

In its effort to come up with a standardised test, the EBA and the Bank appear to be going down a route that will ask a lot of questions, but may well come up with answers that are utterly irrelevant to understanding the risks posed by individual firms.

Perhaps the biggest example of this is the apparent absence of any attempt in the exercise seriously to gauge the impact of a severe Chinese downturn on major British banks.

The Bank of England, in its attempt to produce mutually comparable numbers with its European counterparts, will avoid tests that are too bespoke and therefore looks unlikely to probe what is potentially one of the biggest threats to at least two major UK-based lenders.At best, this is a missed opportunity; at worst, it could be a serious flaw in the whole exercise.

More cheap shots in the great Royal Mail panto

Like a much-loved pantomime, the Great Royal Mail Sell-Off returned centrestage on Tuesday.

“You sold it on the cheap,” roared MPs on the Business Select Committee. “Oh no, we didn’t,” cried pantomime villains Vince Cable and Michael Fallon. This one will run and run. But one of the day’s wiser observations came from Dr Paul Simmonds, of the Warwick Business School.

The Government may well have erred on the side of caution with its £3.3bn valuation, but what did we expect with a problem business successive administrations had tried and failed to privatise for decades? A discount was inevitable. You couldn’t have had a successful sale without one.

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